An estimated 9 out of 10 spreadsheets contain significant errors, an issue that is compounded when separate instances are used without audit-ability.
Engineers often create new design spreadsheets or reuse spreadsheets from previous work, which results in multiple independent versions of a spreadsheets being used without a system in place to track, review and verify the changes and accuracy of these spreadsheets. This opens the flood gates for calculation errors.
Avoidable calculation errors account for 7% of a commercial project’s value, costing millions of dollars in rework. These errors are primarily due to poor data management practices.
CalcTree enhances quality control by enabling teams to setup and use a repository of verified and documented calculation components.
Here is a list of features in CalcTree that reduce the risk of calculation errors:
- Shared repository of calculation components (aka calculation pages or templated) for teams to set up and use that is robust and always accessible. This ensures that everyone is using the trusted and latest version of a calculation. We will no longer be limited to a network drive. The days of isolated instances, unclear version control and untraceable usage are gone!

- Parameter linking enables teams to build links between design steps and tools. Error-prone manual data handling is replaced with an automatic transfer of data and knowledge between tools.

- Verified repository of public calculations, that are available for you to use and duplicate on your projects, that are verified by us.

- Page permissions, so you can limit what others can do to a page, whether you decide to lock the source integration (that is, the Python script or spreadsheet) but allow page editing, or make the whole page read-only. [Coming soon in 2024]

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