CalcTree benefits: accelerate innovation

An engineering firm’s competitive advantage is to have well-skilled people working with the most advanced tools, yet only a small portion of engineers can code.

By enabling digital natives in your team to build in Python but letting CalcTree make it easy for others to use those tools, the industry can move away from the reliance on spreadsheets.

👉 Why code presents advantages over spreadsheets

It's worth clarifying why code such as Python presents advantages over traditional spreadsheets such as Excel in engineering - or pretty much any technical field that requires data processing, data visualisation and numerical analysis:

  • Third-party libraries, is perhaps the biggest strength of programming languages - there is a wealth of awesome libraries (pre-written code) that we can use to speed up our scripting. The libraries are open-source and mostly free to use in a commercial context. In the context of Python, there are some libraries that enable more efficient data manipulation like Pandas while some support specific engineering applications like OpenSeesPy.
  • Scalability, big datasets are painfully slow in Excel. Any programming language is simply a way to write instructions for your computer. In this way, it unlocks the speed and efficiency of your computer making code like Python much faster to run.
  • Transparency, spreadsheets can get very complicated very quickly. Often only the author really understands how the sheet works and what assumptions and simplifications are baked in. Whereas in Python, it is much easier to document your assumptions as you go for each step of code.
  • Flexibility, Python offers more functionality for data analysis than Excel without VBA. For example, 'for' and 'while' cycles are useful functions to replicate formulas under certain conditions. Excel does not support an equivalent function, and so you have to execute the formula each time in a new cell.
  • Integration, Python can easily connect with other applications, such as Revit, ETABS and SAP, simply by accessing their respective APIs, You can use the APIs to extract data files (CSV, XML, TXT). For Excel, there is not always an integration available, and it must be compatible with your current version.

CalcTree empowers your whole team to create and adopt smarter workflows by allowing digital engineers to code while providing a flexible no-code interface everyone can use

Here is a list of features in CalcTree that accelerates innovation:

  • Python integration, combined with CalcTree as the GUI (graphical user interface) to lay out and view results, makes it easy for non-digital natives to access and use advanced tooling. Simply drag and drop the parameters, charts and tables written in Python onto your CalcTree page for your team to use and build upon. Often digital teams create smart solutions in isolation of the delivery team, who then often view the tool as too difficult, leading to a lack of adoption. Now, your digital and non-digital workface can collaborate better then ever!
Python code powering a no-code environment
  • Supported Python libraries, allowing users to unlock the benefits of many open-source Python libraries.
  • Spreadsheet integration to refresh current processes. We acknowledge that traditional engineering drawings, spreadsheets, and documents are effective tools for analysis and design. We don't want to replace these. Rather, we want to enrich and make them work better at scale. The non-digital workforce is not left behind, as they can still integrate spreadsheets into CalcTree, which they might be more comfortable with
Spreadsheet powering a web app

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